
When a cut becomes more than an incicion

This article is about one of those experiences. It is worth mentioning that, in all the years that I have been practicing martial art, iaido became the most significant and satisfying ‘road’ I’ve walked and…this became clear only after I stopped practicing iaido…gave me valuable information...

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a short story - originally written in 1998, rewritten in 2002 and 2023

The little gravel stones made crushing noises under his shoes. His eyes were small, dark lines in his face. It was almost mysterious, the light that was passing through the leaves of the trees. It made little islands of light in a sea of shadows. It was beautiful. The light of the early April sun rayed on the people walking in this street. As if it was saying, don’t worry, I will keep you from any harm. Like warm unseen blankets of love, send from the sky. The light turned on...

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When intention gets clouded by struggle

At a certain point you might find yourself asking the question: how am I going to do this? What is the best approach? Can I do this? Or even you might hear yourself thinking…I don’t know how to do this. Maybe this is just a question, a thought, that crosses your mind...

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A technique as old as the paint it self

We can say that ever since the use of oil paint, the glazing technique started to be used. From the early masters during the 15th century till today glazing has been a well-established technique that has been used for several different reasons.
One important reason was to diminish the risk of cracking paint. Due to inferior...

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