GENETIC IMPERFECTION AS A CHOICE and what LOVE got to do with it

the so called genetic imperfections or disorders, as we have come to call them, are not imperfections in their own definition, in their true origins. Far from that...

…” Something to keep in mind while reading this text:
Everything written here is an occurrence of which takes place within an illusive experience which we see as reality. Whether we are reborn or not, whether we choose our parents or not, it is in itself utterly unimportant. But considering that within the dream, that we call reality, and that we are captivated by the motion that we are indeed experiencing this dream as a reality, it might be handy to know that even the most aggravating, the most traumatic or the most horrific experience is, with the right perspective, an actual blessing and does not, in itself, the horror as we might experience it.
So far for my considerate preface. Do whatever you want with it. Throughout the text I made several adjustments and explanations in which I’m trying to clarify the meaning of what has been written.” …

A body is created according to the state of our soul.
We are not our body. Just as we are not a ‘soul’. A soul is more like a temporary buffer zone, which is needed to understand our earthly experiences. Although this ‘concept’ has grown in popularity and is more widely accepted now a day, it still is a concept that for most people consist outside their experience. It is an idea…not an experience…and for the most of us, it will stay outside their field of experience. To make things clear, this includes me as well. I have knowledge on the concept but cannot speak out of experience. Not yet that is. Whatever it is that we really are, it will become only clear when we undo ourselves of our ‘self’. Nevertheless, within the context of this writing, I will continue to speak of a self although it has to be considered that ‘self’ is not what or who we are.
The reason why we come to this planet has an enormous spectrum for speculation. However, there is no reason to doubt the statement that we are here to experience and that these experiences have the purpose to enrich ourselves, to become rich in experiences, to fill ourselves (us as consciousness being) with experiences.
To give you an image: if you want to know the taste of water you will need to drink it. Just by looking at it, reading about it, you will only have the knowledge but not the experience. However, to do this within the reality of this earth you will need a vessel, a body that fits, and will function, within the surrounding, (which we create as well) and chosen purpose within this chose life.

…To put the magnitude, the comprehensiveness, of this experiencing in some light:
to understand this story I stay within the reality of this planet. However, the place of which an experience can be experienced can be anywhere within or outside this universe, within this dimension or another one…it really doesn’t make a difference. It is all possible and takes place within the comprehensive now…

This body is created by us and will be a perfect fit for what we want to experience, to our purpose, our goal and to our energy. It is for this reason that our genetics are fitted to the needs of this same purpose: the journey that we are willing to undertake with this body. Not the other way around. This is an important consideration; it means that we are not the result, not the product…or the victim…of ‘our’ genetics. Absolutely not! Our genetics are a well chosen selection for the sole reason that it will fit our/your self created needs in this (also self created) life.
Therefore, automatically, all our genetic material is not the leading ingredient: it is not what makes us. With this in mind it is absolutely misleading to say that our genetics are the building-stones of our being or our existence as they like to say. Our genes, the genetic material, are tools that make it possible for us to translate our spiritual essence to a physiological structure: our body. In other words; to give our shapeless conscious, our energetic form, a vessel within matter, we need a program and this program recites within…no…are those genes.

We, as unborn souls, ‘choose’ parents that will meet the requirements to create what we set out to do. Within this ‘choosing’ there is no such thing as coincident at work. There is no endless search for the right ‘parents’. No, this match-making progress is done without doubt, without calculating the outcome and without the need to check whether it will be the right choice, because these considerations do not exist. Only after one is being ‘transferred’ to a state of physics (or not), to a life that has been ‘chosen’…and there can be multiple at the same moment…will these considerations become a means of measure. But, only within a reality where these considerations have any means of interest, like here on earth. Many other realities have different ‘physics’, different ‘laws of nature’ in which the physics of this reality, this planet, do not even exist.

…To illustrate:
this 'process' is as complex as it is simple. With the limitations of our human brain, it is incomprehensible. Sometimes a veil is lifted so that an insight reveals something about how it 'seems' to work. When this happens, you tend, against your better judgment, to want to understand it, with the result that you start writing articles like the one you are currently reading…

…As I describe it now, it reads extremely simplistic. However, describing how it all works is near impossible within the limitations of my/our human understanding. If you want to gain any sense of the complexity of how we end up here on this planet, reading hundreds of books on the subject would still only give you a fraction of clarity that, in itself, is also distorted by our own, limited, linear form of thinking and understanding…

The following needs to be added as well:
When we talk about reincarnation, living different lives that follow each other within the linear idea of time, we automatically assume that this happens in a kind of 1 plus 1 makes 2 ratio. And it is precisely this that makes us constantly unable to fathom its essence. What we think is indispensable is in principle incorrect. In reincarnation, we almost immediately assume the cause and effect principle... because this or that happened in this life, such and so will happen in the next life... to put it simply. However, what if it cannot be understood this way? What if the cause and effect story is an element, but not the core factor of reincarnation? What if all lives are already known in advance, already determined in advance? Then the cause and effect theory does not hold up as the foundation of reincarnation. You will also have to let go of the whole idea of a linear experience of time.
We're going to take it one step further... All lives take place at the same time. What? That is impossible! One life cannot happen at the same time as another, because it is a continuation of that one life and…No! That is the pitfall of linear thinking, of the cause and effect story. This is indeed the limitation of our earthly thinking capacity, our earthly intelligence. It is bound by certain limitations, including thinking in linear patterns. Reincarnation takes place and, within earthly reality, there can be a form of linear experience, because without that experience the experience trajectory cannot be understood. But this is not the decisive factor. Every 'life' you experience is connected to the other life. Consciousness here is all-encompassing and is, in essence, your essence. This means that every experience that has any impact on you as a person also has an impact on all other lives. Any 'processing', for example, as a 'healing frequency' will immediately be a processing of you as full consciousness. Whether you consciously pick up this in another life depends on the extent to which you are open to this. This also means that any troubles, soul obstructions that result in illness, can have an impact on other lives.

Back to my story...
No two experiences are ever the same. However, we can make a selection of different kinds and within them, there is one experience we always have to deal with: love. Love we know as limitless, it knows no rules and love makes blind. Love is and can be expressed and experienced in countless ways.
Love has become an elusive...often deformed...concept. For most of us, this elusiveness, and certainly the deformity, stems from another very basic and very present feeling, which is fear. And within the framework of experiencing fear, the fear of disappearing, the fear of ceasing to exist, the fear of not existing at all, is one of the most consuming feeling one can experience. (The fear of being rejected is a very mild variant of this.) This is unfortunate. To begin with, the idea about 'self' is already misplaced and utterly misleading. The 'self' does not exist...has never existed and can never exist. Our perception of this 'self' is based on, and stems from, the belief that we are separate from everything else. Our perception is centered around a 'self' which is essentially not there. How bizarre that is.
The self (ego) has only one purpose and that it enables you to experience deeply and fully. Without this 'self' you would have no personal connection with that which you experience.
To make the connection back to love. Love seems to be something that can be expressed in many different ways. Giving and receiving (taking) is for many is the best known form of love, but...ninety-nine comma ninety-nine times out of a hundred this is not love, but an agreement. You give me this, which allows me to love you, I show you this behavior, and I will do this for you, so you know I love you. If we were to dive deeper into this, scrub off all the romance, we would discover that we actually doing everything for our-selves, for our ego, because we are premeditatedly adjusting our attitudes, our behaviors and our reactions, to get the desired approval (love?), acceptance (love?), or affection (love?).

So what about the well-known, but unachievable, unconditional love? Sure, we've heard about it, we talk about it, we make it an item on the bucket-list, but...real and true love...that again is something entirely different...something we are willing to give our opinions on...sure...but doing and experiencing...that seems to be out of reach, and the question can be asked whether real love exists at all.
This is of course an extremely simplistically way of describing love. There are hundreds of variables that can or should be taken into account and of course, we are capable of feeling and expressing love toward and for each other. Still...
When I look at myself, and take off all those pink-colored glasses for a moment, in every moment, when I was convinced that I felt genuine love for someone, that I was overwhelmed by a feeling of love that touched me so deeply that it made me cry, there always was an underlying motivations or circumstances, where the experience of love ultimately had its origin. So does true love even exist? As I describe it now you would almost say, it doesn’t. My approach seems extremely bitter and you could say that you taste my personal disappointments through it. Real love is! Real love is what we are, what makes us. It is what makes our creation come to life and is absolutely and totally different from how we experience and express love now. Love as we experience it as human beings, as we have been taught to receive and give, is based on the preservation, the survival, of our ego...from birth.
Virtually all relationships are based on perpetuating an illusion, keeping each other in a bubble of deception, and wanting to keep each other...and ultimately especially yourself...stuck in the dream of "wanting to feel good. In other words, we keep ourselves in a state of sleep, in a sweet hypnotic state of a self-satisfied idea that we are doing good and we want to make damn sure we don't wake up!
It is nothing more than an urge to survive, not to disappear. You will love to survive, you will love someone to be loved.
Are you able to love someone who hates you? Or someone who mistreats you? No, love as we know it, or rather, how we practice it, is not love. Far from it. Exceptions aside...

But what about those genes and the idea that we are not its product.... Genetic imperfections, or disorders, are not what the current medical world would have us believe. If we look purely from a medical perspective, and thus only see the body, it is possible to say that there is a genetic malfunction, an imperfection, because the body acts differently than what we are used to, or how we have determined how a body should be in ideal situation. However, because we are not this body, the body is our temporary "home", there are no imperfections or disorders per se, but just the right collection of resources, genetic material, needed to accomplish this one journey, in this world, this reality.

...Side note:
Often the argument is made that many "disorders" arise during a lifetime, that is, are not congenital, or only emerge later in life. This is true. And although in some cases they can be traced to a physically or mentally unhealthy household, it is still an environment that we ourselves create, ourselves 'control' and 'manage'. You can make the claim that you would be a victim of the surrounding circumstances. However, these are not external to the circumstances you have created yourself....

Betreft die reis die je voor jezelf hebt uitgestippeld. Grote kans dat je de werkelijke reden, over waarom je op deze weg bent, niet kunt of zult vinden en waarschijnlijk is dat ook het beste. Iets weten is niet vanzelfsprekend gelijk een zegen, het kan je ervan weerhouden iets ten volle te ervaren. En iets weten is beduidend anders dan iets ervaren. En binnen deze context kan het weten een hinder zijn voor het beleven.

About that journey, you have mapped out for yourself. Chances are you cannot or will not find the real reason, about why you are on this path, and probably that is for the best. Knowing something is not naturally equal to a blessing; it can keep you from experiencing something fully. Knowing something is significantly different from experiencing something. And within this context, knowing can be a hindrance to experiencing.
Now, I'm not saying that you should just sit back and do nothing when you're faced with a condition, a genetic disease, or something else that makes you feel like you're that poor wretched person who is less fortunate. No, take that medical approach, take the 'magic' that is offered, because that is in most cases, indeed at the moment, the only approach available. However, it is just as relevant to ask yourself why it is happening within your experience. The steps you take within regular healthcare to heal your body, to neutralize the disorder or imperfection, may be a necessary path, but at the same time it is just as certainly an 'ingredient'... sometimes temporary... that you (by takes you) in a certain direction where you need to go.
All steps taken are taking place, whether you are aware of them or not, to allow you to be where you are meant to be. At any and every moment! Understanding your energetic or spiritual 'state' will/can give you the idea that this brings you closer to unfolding, and realizing, your natural state, your natural state of being. However, oh sweet, bittersweet irony, when you discover that all of this happened because it had to happen, within the framework you had set out for yourself. This means that, perhaps, your physical body cannot be healed, that you have chosen to experience exactly this through your genetic choice. The realization here is that your body is just your temporary 'home', which you use to make the experience possible. Your natural and original state is, and has always been, energetic, and is, was and always will be perfect!

It is a misunderstanding that we should convince ourselves that there is an actual standard that we should meet, such as a perfect, functional body. This is truly a most devastating and destructive thought. Each of us goes our own way, our own journey, in which imperfection or perfection does not exist. The imperfection is the perfection! Wabi Sabi! Each of us is on the same journey, but with different, very personal ingredients that suit only the one who created and carries them. Ultimately, it is always about our personal experiences that create our personal world. We all bake our own personal cake with our own chosen ingredients.