

Choices to make choices

Sometime in the distant past, I had been asked to do my part for a documentary through an interview. The idea behind the documentary was to have several well-known Arnhemmers (apparently, I was more famous than I was aware of) give their views on Jesus. During this interview, an interesting topic came up, which, at that time of the interview, we did not discuss in detail as it was not relevant to the topic.

From the moment we enter this world as newborns, we are particularly quickly confronted with the concept of having to make choices between one thing and another. However, it doesn't end there. The ability to make a choice is an extremely important, valuable and consciously created ability, a trait, for us to continually reinvent the experience of love. However, within this world we have managed to develop an immensely strong distinction between things that are considered right and things that are considered wrong. From the inescapable linear perspective, this sense of difference is inevitable. In order to fully experience a dimensional reality, frameworks must be drawn, basic agreements to make a reality indeed workable. So too within our earthly reality where linear experience is the framework. It gives the opportunity to experience the full possibility of making choices, experiencing the appropriate consequences, and the possibility of unlimited variation in how to experience a single moment in an unlimited number of different ways.

But an important element, call it insight, is almost deliberately or consciously forgotten in this process of experiencing all this wonder. It is the inner knowing that at the root of our being this sense of difference, this separation and this sense of right and wrong, does not exist. Diabolically, it wants to be that from the...let's call it architecture...architecture is 'designed' in such a way that this insight is somewhat separate from the 'everyday' experience. For that reason, we call it an inner knowing that is less on the surface than our daily experience.

It feels almost impossible to express this "knowing" in words because this "knowing" comes from a source where there is absolutely no separation. How do you translate something that is formless and shapeless and composed entirely of energy? Thank the universe that there is no right or wrong way to do this:-)

Everything is one. Including our lives and experiences now. Yet, within this linear life, it is necessary for us to experience this sense of right and wrong, and at the same time, we need to remember what we are and put it all together to get to the point of understanding, feeling and experiencing that everything is indeed one. It is a beautiful paradox in greatness.

We are more than just this physical body. We are one with the source. We are not subjects or children of the source. No. We are part of it in the same way that a drop of water is the same as the sea. By itself it seems to have its own existence, but when it is back in the sea, it is the sea.

When you realize this and feel it in your being, you can do nothing but feel the joy and laugh at it at everything. Because then you realize how insignificant, laughable, hilarious and beautiful our reality actually is.

So...right and wrong? Yes and no?
I leave it open. Realizing that nothing is fixed, including the concept of right and wrong, might give you a sense of freedom, an insight in how your reality is formed and how you move in this.

Something I often say to my students, "There is no right or wrong way to do something. Try not to focus on how to achieve the goal, but only on what you are doing and enjoy what you are doing. The process of doing knows very well how to do it or how to get where you want or need to be."
